Travel Vaccinations | Family Doctor Services | Rockhampton
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What services does a family doctor offer?

When you come to Mount Archer Medical Centre, we strive to offer all general practice services along with a patient experience like no other. Our family practice is a safe and nurturing environment that encourages a collaborative approach between doctor and patient, to develop the most suitable medical plan to match your needs.

At Mount Archer Medical Centre, we offer the following:
  • General medical services
  • Women’s health
  • Men’s health
  • Pre-employment medicals
  • We are a registered Spirometry Practice and we have
    registered medical practitioners with the DNRM
  • Travel vaccines & advice
  • Accreditation and testing for yellow fever and Q fever
  • Childhood health & immunisations
  • Care plans
  • Occupational health assessments, vaccinations &
  • WorkCover
  • Chronic disease management
  • Mental health
  • Drug and alcohol testing
  • Skin cancer checks & excisions
  • Wound management
  • S&N Pathology on-site
  • After hours: 134 100 (Hello Home Doctors)
Call our friendly reception team for an appointment

Travel Vaccinations

If you’re planning on travelling overseas, it’s important to consult with one of our doctors regarding vaccinations. Our doctors are knowledgeable in the vaccination requirements of each country to ensure your health and safety. A lot of vaccinations need to commence approximately six to eight weeks prior to departure, so book in now. We provide vaccines for Hepatitis A and B, typhoid, influenza, cholera, and more.

Women’s Health

Our GPs can provide consultation on a range of women’s health problems. These include menstrual health, menopause, pregnancy, ovarian issues and sexual and urinary health. We also provide preventative health measures such as breast examinations, mammogram referrals and pap smears. Mount Archer Medical Centre has female doctors if you prefer.

Occupational Health

Mount Archer Medical Centre keeps Rockhampton moving. In every industry, employees and employers need to follow certain occupational health guidelines. We offer pre-employment medicals, workplace vaccinations and drug and alcohol testing to safeguard a workplace and ensure legislation compliance. Our doctors also provide treatment and rehabilitation programs and advice for injured workers.